Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer is here!

Summer is finally here. But it really doesn't feel like much of a summer since it has rained every day since school ended. I just can't wait to get to'll be so gorgeous! Just seeing the pictures get me excited to go! I want to learn how to surf, and scuba dive, and i can't wait to see the scenery. It is just so amazing we're finally moving to an ISLAND!!!! I have always wanted to live by the ocean, i love the water and everything about it. I really want to experience the culture too, i think it'll be fun to learn a different language, and to meet the people there. I'm kinda scared about the food, i don't know what to expect! But i'm just really happy about everything so far, i think it'll be great. Can't wait!!! I mean, i'm kinda scared to leave my friends, but i know it'll be okay. And quitting cheer was really hard, but i can still talk to my team and there's always next year.


Summer is here and I am really feeling it having the kids home all day. We have enough to do to keep us busy everyday all day, but we're all a little overwhelmed at where to begin. I'm getting more and more excited about starting a new adventure. I'm concerned about the kids and how they will adjust, but they are all pretty well rounded I think they will do fine. We plan to stay busy with alot of activities. I'm excited to take pictures to post, so until then, we will just be here, busy with cleaning and enjoying the rain!
